I'm so there!


Brittany Bruce Education

resources and retreats for christian women who lead

bible study 101

learn how to understand and teach scripture without a seminary degree

Love people. Serve people. 
Change lives. 

This course equips Christian women how to read, understand, and lead a bible study through simple systems and inductive bible study.

This course includes...


What is the Bible? 
How do we read it? 
What is the Old Testament? 
What is the New Testament?
How is it organized? 
Where do I begin reading? 

module 2: how to study scripture: inductive Study

The Inductive Study Framework
Prayer: How to Pray
Observing Scripture
Using Scripture to Interpret Scripture
Application of Scripture to Your Life


How to Make Time for Jesus 
Where and When to Have Quiet Time
What is it and How do we Do it
Mediation and Prayer
How to Journal
Daily Bible Reading
Sharing Your Study

Jesus first interactive ebook

Jesus First: Renew. Restore. Rearrange. 
Chapter 1: The One Thing That Will Change Everything
Chapter 2: The Cure for Overwork and Overwhelm
Chapter 3: The Adventure of Surrender
Chapter 4: The Formula to Freedom

The Prayer Guide

How do we pray? Using the acronym P.R.A.Y. will help guide you through having a deeper and intimate prayer time with God! 

Inductive study cheat sheet

This method will CHANGE THE GAME in your quiet time and REALLY bring God's Word to LIFE!

How to Lead a Bible Study

Are you Ready to Lead?

When, Where, and What to Study

The Bible Study Template

The Bible Study Framework

Tips and Tricks to Lead with Grace

Bible Study Etiquette

One of the BIGGEST reasons why Christians to go full speed into getting into the Bible is because they just DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START! 

Having a Daily Bible Reading Plan is an anchor point in your time with Jesus!

The Holy Spirit will turn the wheel, hit the gas, or put on the breaks, but your DBR plan will start the engine! 

Daily Bible Reading

The results...

Jesus promises us that if we abide in Him, and His Word- we will have abundance and freedom. 
We BELIEVE this and EXPECT it as we make words on a page become Living and Active Words from God. 

For the word of God is living and active and full of power.. Hebrews 4:12

freedom and abundance

You feel called to do something for Jesus, but you aren't confident in your biblical knowledge, so you don't. 
This has to change. 

Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you 1 Peter 3:15

confidence and courage

The world that we live in is unstable and ever changing but our GOD IS CONSTANT and will NEVER change. 

We can have a FAITH and a HOPE in Jesus to do what He has always PROMISED! 

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. Mark 13:31

a faith that's real

Bible Study Foundations and Resources

How to Understand Scripture with The Inductive Method

How to Create Your Quiet Time: Journaling/Prayer

BONUS: How to Lead a Bible Study

BONUS: Cheat Sheets, downloads, resources

BONUS: Daily Bible Reading Plan

What's included?



but how much is it


this course is right for you if...

You want to build a faith life thats better than you ever imagined.

You desperately want to live the abundant and fulfilled life you know is possible with Jesus. 

You desire to not only know His Word, but UNDERSTAND His Word and how it applies to YOU. 

You want to be USED by GOD and want the courage and confidence to be prepared for anything!

We teach Christian women how to build a life using scripture as their guide so that they can feel joy and fulfillment in the work that God has called them to do. 

Ready to join us!?

We are here for you! 

I'm so there!

After learning how to spend daily time in the Word, I was able to hear from God and have peace during the big decisions that we faced!

- Katie S.

I was able to truly lean into my own spiritual gifts to start serving in ministry and finally feeling fulfilled.

- naomi s.

I begrudgingly started journaling for the first time and let me tell you, I now look forward to what words God is going to give me every morning! 

- susanna W.

I’ve been journaling & using the resources as I read scripture and now have a better understanding of what it’s saying!

- kaylee b..

Questions & Answers

How long do I have access to the resources and Trainings?

You will get IMMEDIATE access to everything this course has to offer.

It's a one time payment, and you'll receive anything we add to the course in the future. 

what religion do you base your community off of?

We don't believe in religion. We believe in an intimate relationship with Jesus! As Christians, we use our faith as the foundation of everything we do, so the way we teach will be based upon principles from the Bible and the teachings of Jesus! 

So it's only $37 to get the full course?

We have seen too often that the price of something as valuable as this is the ONE thing preventing them for experiencing the Word of God

We believe the Bible is for EVERYONE.

You don't have to spend $40,000 on a seminary degree to go deep into scripture! 

Growing up as a preacher's daughter, I promised myself that I would never marry a preacher! 

Funny how God works..
 I've walked away from multiple businesses to pursue ministry FULL TIME!
(Preaching and teaching)

From preacher's daughter to public school teacher..
stay at home mom to wedding photographer.. owner to 7fig business owner..

And raising 4 kids back to back..

God brought me back to MINISTRY teaching what I've learned along the way! 

I believe the BIBLE is for EVERYONE and that JESUS desires for you to live ABUNDANTLY in HIM! 

Meet yourTeacher

obsessed with jesus!
online educator. mama to 4 & now living the dream at the beach!

Unplug and focus on yourself for 3 days at the beach!
Consider this a spiritual reset that can be your launchpad to falling back in LOVE WITH JESUS... 
seeing Him, feeling Him, and hearing what He has called you to do!


Selah Revival Retreat


sign me up

Ready to join us?


yes! i'm so there!

Ever wonder what your God-given strengths and abilities are and how they affect God's call on your life?! 

Or ever wonder what God wants you to know about these superpowers and how he designed you? 

Take 60 seconds and find out here!! 

What is your God-Given Superpower?